Movie Questions And Answers

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Movie Questions And Answers

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Posted: Feb 08, 2010 |Comments: 0


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In the movie ‘Bill & Ted Bogus Journey’?
What accent does death enjoy? It sounds like it could be from Transylvania but just not sure. Does anyone know for sure? sounds german probably german The thespian was trying to imitate Death from the Seventh Seal, so Swedish

In the movie Corpse Bride explain how and why Corpse Bride be murdered?
In the movie Corpse Bride explain how and why was Corpse Bride murdered please answer ASAP! HELP! This is one of my favorite movies. I watch it adjectives the time and I have it on tape. The corpse bride (Emily) run off to elope with…

In the movie four brothers why did they put to death the mother?
The mother was killed not because she be there in the store during the staged robbery but because she have a large insurance policy (0,000) that one of her adopted son’s could enjoy used to pay back or payment off some big shot city official–the corrupt city…

In the movie Girl Interrupted why does Nurse Valerie throw Susanna surrounded by a tub of cold marine?
about mid way through the movie? She does so primarily because Susanna is behave like a spoiled little brat Susanna is acting like a spoilt brat so Valerie dumps her contained by cold water to shock her…

In the movie gone contained by 60 second. what be the final sports car that sway boosted?
sway said they’re loading up jessica and another car just took her for a ride, what be that other car? what was the moniker and what kind of car be it? I think it be a Shelby GT Mustang called Eleanor it was…

In the movie green mile…when the sponge wasn’t showery..would what happen surrounded by the movie really evolve?鈥? just copy and paste t contained by your browser if you dont remember I’m not a scientist, but it seems plausible to me. I found an instance on Wikipedia of someone bursting into flames after not dying from the…

i Don’t know she told lenny to offer her insulin shot over and over again to see if he remembers the previous shots… actually sammy’s story is his own story. go to and see gift message board. a huge discussion is…

In the movie Orphan, does anyone have a sneaking suspicion that it completed a moment or two too much close to the culmination surrounded by the Ring movie?
In the movie, the Ring, Rachel (mother) is being chased by Samara in the powerfully. When Rachel reaches the top, Samara grabs her leg and beg for her to stay and to…

In the movie over her comatose body?
Who is the sister, Chloe? I know she was on a TV show which one? She was on Sabrina the Teenage Witch for a few years I know she be on Entourage. Click the link to see all of the shows she be in.

In the movie pan’s warren who is container?!?
seriously nobody in the movies name is PANNN! In Greek Mythology, Pan is a faun (half man half goat). The Faun. The big, worrisome guy with the horns. Fauno is Pan. In most European countries, this movie is titled El laberinto del fauno or The Labyrinth of the Faun.

In the movie Poltergeist, the first one, is at hand a clown contained by any scene’s?
I might have this movie confused with Stephen King’s IT there’s a toy clown that attacks the kids near the end of the movie. The son(Robbie I think) has a toy clown in his room that freaks him out the intact movie. At one…

In the movie precious?
What did her mom mean when she was similar to Precious come take care of mommy. You know when she be in bed and Precious was calling for her… I kinda mull over I know what it means, but I’m not completely sure. What you think it technique is, unfortunately, right. In the book Push…

In the movie Revolutionary road, did frank and april love respectively other? who loved the other more?- frank?
im really confused with their relationship Its hard to relay..I think it was Frank who loves April more =]] I Loved that movie. Glad I’m not the lone one cos I am confused as well!! Its hard to explain to..I think it…

In the movie stepfather.. the voicemail?
the blonde girlfriend (kelly) had a cool voicemail something like hey its kelly not here.. im in attendance? what is it!! its bothering me! thxx (: yeah that was it. I’m so doing that as mine too!! it’s so awesome hey, it’s kelly. I’m not here, I’m there. she prolly said set…

In the movie Swing Kids, Who is Arvid and Peter?
What I mean by that is, Who be they, like if they were Jewish and stuff. What be their family like, what happen to them. You know, The basics like that. And how did the setting tuning them? Neither Arvid nor Peter were Jewish. They were against the Nazis essentially…

Newman’s character, mainly because he have been able to coach what he knows to Tom Cruise. So, by becoming a teacher, he have become a better person for it. The only entry Tom Cruise’s character gets contained by…

In the movie the notebook what poet did Noah read from?
Walt Whitman Source(s): Friend who loves that movie Walt Whitman but Tennison was Noah’s dads favorite and Noah read it aloud to get rid of his stutter. Source(s):

In the movie ‘Twilight,’ does the color evolution contained by the eye have it in mind anything?
I noticed that depending on different situations, the color in the vampires eyes alter. Does each color mean something different?? Just thought I’d mention that ‘Grated Cheese’ have actually given you the correct answer! Black when thirsty. Gold when full (on animal…

In the movie Unfaithful, what is the Lisa Gerrerd piece she does for the soundtrack?
It plays in the scene where Diane Lang is on the train remembering making love near Olivier Martinez for the first time. Dedicace Outo Written by Brendan Perry and Lisa Gerrard Performed by Dead Can Dance Courtesy of 4AD/Warner Bros. Records Inc. By Arrangement with…

In the movie Van Helsing (2004)..?
When he fights Mr. Hyde/Doctor Jekyl in the birth, how exactly does that ‘spinning saw-blade’ thing of his work? Considering the date the movie takes place (1887), I can’t explain it! It can’t possibly. But later again, Vampires/Werewolves do not exist so you might as well guess that the movie takes place within an…

In the movie Willard, why did he dislike intensely Ben?
I just don’t get it. He like Socrates…so why not Ben? Socrates was docile and loving, like a pet should be. Ben be aggressive and violent… everything that Willard wasn’t until he absolutely have to be. Then he needed Ben, but couldn’t control him. It’s a classic…

In the movie, Dead Poets Society, what life span course does Mr Keating instruct his class?
all i remember is, Seize the Day! He teaches them to not conform and they show that they learned that lesson when he is departure the class for the last time and they stand on their desk while shouting Oh Captain my Captain.

In the movie, Kite Runner be the entertainer that played Amir the author of the book Khaled Hosseini?
Khalid Abdalla was the actor portraying Amir. Although the author did play the doctor surrounded by the park Source(s):鈥? Khaled Hosseini wrote The Kite Runner… Khalid Abdalla played Amir in the film.

In the movie, THE BEACH, beside Leo DeCaprio; what is the the song they play at the end/credits?
There was a line that go something like: There is no secret to natural life; you just have to save moving forward. Not exact words, but something like that. I’m going through stuff right now and it would really help…

In the Percy Jackson books isn’t Annabeth supposed to enjoy resembling curly blond curls?
I LOVE the Percy Jackson books so I was pretty upset to see that the girl they cast to play Annabeth looks nil like how they described her in the book. In the book they said that she have curly blond hair and they got some…

In the picture ‘The final destination 3’ do the merely the two survivors, survive?
Just wondering… looll 😛 at the end when they’re all on the train I mull over they get killed they get on the train and she has a perception of them dying and they try to get off the train but it’s too postponed.

In The Rocky Horror Picture Show, within what lay down be the characters introduced?
In Science Fiction Double Feature. I’m not positive, but I think it might be Frank, Janet, Brad, Magenta, Columbia, then… I’m not sure. Help? Frank, Rocky (if you count the quotation to him building a creature) Brad, Janet. The others are not mentioned in the…

In the show She’s the Man how does the behaviour Viola (Amanda Bynes) conceal her long fleece when it’s short?
She wears a wig There is a scene where on earth she is scratching her head because the hairpiece is making her itchy and the principle (or head of the school, watever) see the wig moving and he things shes…

In the sixties who sing counting flowers on the wall?
The Statler Brothers The Statler Brothers

In the Star Wars time chain, The Clone Wars be supposed to be a key event within the chronology…?
Now that we’ve seen the Cartoon. Is it really that big of a deal? The moving picture doesn’t seem to have alot of shipment to it. It’s just kids stuff. I’ve never gotten the feeling that the separatists are even close…

In the wizard of oz what did dorthy return home surrounded by?
In The Wizard of OZ, Dorothy left Kansas in a tornado. What did she come put money on in? she was taken home by the red shoes She technically never left Kansas as she be only having a dream. So, following that logic she didn’t enjoy to…

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