Household Twilight Zone
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Home Page > News and Society > Free > Household Twilight Zone
Household Twilight Zone
Posted: Jan 19, 2007 |Comments: 0
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You’ve heard of trying to find a needle in a haystack? Housekeepers all over the planet encounter similar challenges and are expected to deftly overcome them so that the kids can catch the bus, breadwinners can get to work and the household remains in ship-shape.
Since unlocking the mysteries of the household usually falls on the female of the species, they know these daily encounters can land them … in the Household Twilight Zone.
It starts in the bathroom. Who could have imagined that the endless supply of hair cropping up on the floor could be shed from the same heads that wake up in tangled and hard to comb and style messes? This proliferation of castaway strands boggles the mind and frustrates men with male pattern baldness, yet no one helps with hair removal.
Enter the kitchen, where the remains of snacks and drinks on the floor causes such a stickiness that it can pull a shoe two inches off the ground but, incredibly, no one cares. This slapping sound has conditioned the dog to salivate and come running, a Pavlovian spot remover.
Off in the distance, the children scream. The item they need for school cannot be located. Only the stairway, cluttered with the week’s worth of items that never found their way to their rightful place, holds any hope. Either that or it’s where they had it last.
Against our better judgment, we follow a trail of dropped items directly to a strange and unexplainable sight. What appears to be an ordinary bed is piled so high with clothing, there is no need for a blanket. And against the wall, only the clutter of personal care items on top of the dresser holds any hnit of its intended purpose in the room.
With no connection whatsoever to this scene is the laundry room with its expansive collection of catchall items. As the occupants come and go, here is where they deposit books, coats, shoes, mail, newspapers, groceries, and the item they’ll need for school tomorrow morning. The discerning eye finds, under a deep pile of sundries, actual clothing items waiting for a spin. It’s no mystery who will be entering the cleaning zone.
The time – almost any day, after school. The place – the family room. Just who are these young people? Before them lies an expanse of floor, a minefield of broken and cracked DVD cases. Strangely enough, these people can’t connect the dots as to why they are broken even though they can run a Pacman through a rows of dots in record time on what they refer to as a “vintage” system that they keep in a cobwebbed box in the basement that appears immediately after the room’s been vacuumed.
And in the basement, a testimony to the lost. Empty cages now filled with painting supplies and Easter baskets offer the only clues to the existence of the pets the kids promised to care for. (They did ask to consult with Sylvia Brown about the gerbil they never found. Not so for the gecko who was proof positive that living things need food and water.)
As the day draws to a close, consider this. Is it any wonder that parents get tired? But unlike the gerbil or the gecko, they face the future with confidence, having escaped the darker places and ready to encounter another day … in the household Twilight Zone.
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Mary Fagan –
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Mary Fagan has an M.S. in Education and is the mother of three children. When not lost in the Zone, she offers lighthearted humor at
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Mary Fagan has an M.S. in Education and is the mother of three children. When not lost in the Zone, she offers lighthearted humor at
Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone
December 28, 2010 by TwilightMoviesUS
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Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone
Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone
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Home Page > Arts & Entertainment > Music > Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone
Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone
Posted: May 24, 2010 |Comments: 0
Adam Lambert, Robert Pattinson, and Kristen Stewart, three incorrigibly sexy artists might come together in the common ground of Twilight. Very soon we might find Adam Lambert in the twilight zone. Of course, the look of a dark, mystical, vampire is well pretend by Adam Lambert, but has he the right musical jig for the Twilight series. Adam Lambert has said that he wants his upcoming tour to be “really theatrical” and “sparkly”. The ‘Whataya Want From Me’ star recently announced the first few dates on his ‘Glam Nation Tour’, which kicks off in the US later this year.Bieber Fever is spreading faster than the plague and now Adam Lambert has revealed he is a fan of the pint-sized teeny bopper. Lambert also revealed that he thinks American Idol can survive without judge Simon Cowell, who revealed this week that he quit the show because he was bored.
A handful of new performers at this year’s Much Music Video Awards were announced Wednesday, and topping the guest list are sparkletwins KeSha and Adam Lambert. The rocking former “American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert will head out on the road for his first headlining tour this summer, beginning in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on June 4. The Glam Nation tour will also feature fellow former “American Idol” contestant Alison Iraheta and breakout guitarist Orianthi. The trio are currently booked for 19 dates across the country, and Lambert has promised the concerts will be “very theatrical.” The Adam will perform at Comcast Center, Mansfield, and Mass on 22 July and on June 4rth he will perform at the F.M Kirby Center for the performing arts, Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Adam Lambert has promised fans a theatrical theme for his upcoming Glam Nation Tour. After his laser-enhanced performance on last weeks American Idol, Lambert has insisted that he aims to make his tour different and of course, as glam as possible.
Lambert has also announced that his next single release in the US will be If I Had You, which the Idol star revealed is one of his personal favorites. He claimed: “It’s a great song really fun, upbeat, joyful, and the message in the song is really exciting, because basically what it’s saying is no matter what color your skin is, no matter what religion you are, no matter what your sexuality is, no matter what your age is, we can all party together. We can all find common love. Adam Lambert has a favorite in mind when it comes to predicting who escapes his own fate. That would be the WINNER of American Idol 2010. Wait… didn’t Adam win Idol? Oh that’s right… he came in second! You’d bever know it.Over the weekend Adam played a preview gig of his Glam Nation tour at the Wango Tango palooza in LA and he was corralled by every media outlet within arm’s reach. That’s because Adam is white hot right now. Get your Adam Lambert Tickets
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Sara J –
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Sara is a creative writer and love to write on musical play, concerts and sports games. She is currently working for TickeTloot
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Sara is a creative writer and love to write on musical play, concerts and sports games. She is currently working for TickeTloot
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Twilight Saga and the New Moon comments
December 28, 2010 by TwilightMoviesUS
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Home Page > Shopping > Gifts > Twilight Saga and the New Moon comments
Twilight Saga and the New Moon comments
Posted: Nov 21, 2009 |Comments: 1
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Society seems to always be in love with mysteries, love stories, good and evil. It also helps to have hot new actors and actresses. The wear wolf and vampires has been around for centuries in movies and legends. Plus the technologies available to day make it all seem so real. The entertainment companies are always trying to come with the next big box office hit. Well the Twilight Saga has caught a lot of critics off guard. What I mean by that, is I haven’t read very positive remarks at all. But the box of is busting out. It is enjoyed by young teenage girls at the most, and those that have read all of the books are defintely putting this one down. It and the cast have become stars overnight. Everyone loves a story about good and evil, and throw in romance that makes all little girls falling love with their new found movie star.
My wife always gets on the Internet to see what the critics give movies before she plans to go watch it, but us guys are intrigued by the trailers that are put out, along with most people. The trailers are just enough to get your excitement about a movie and want to go see it. Kind of like the back of a novel that gives you just enough information for you to buy the book.
Today with everything being so commercialized, companies have found a way to put products out that will compliment a movie with posters, figurines, trinkets, well you name it they can come up with it. I am sure it started way back, but I think the Star War era really kicked it off with all of their products, but the oldest marketer that I can think of is probably Walt Disney and all of their characters. But I remember back when my children were infants, which thy are now in 30’s I took them to see sesamestreet live, and the products they were selling were kind of cute. I remember sitting there and thinking if everyone in here bought even the cheapest item, well the company would make alot just form those items. Being a parent it was hard to say no to a child when all you want them to do is remember the experience.
Because of that experience I have found a unique product that can’t be bought in stores and it is all about the experience of not forgetting the Twilight Saga of the New Moon. If you would like to see these new products then go to for a unique experience.
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Fans of the book would be horrified at the adaptation on the screen. What is a clumsy, humorous protagonist character in the book is portrayed as sullen and lost, only to be found by her true vampire love (awe), which was probably what Melissa Rosenberg (screenwriter) wanted and Stephanie Meyer (novelist) hates. If you hadn’t read the book (and I hadn’t, sorry) then you might actually enjoy it far more (like i did).
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Jun 22, 2009
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This summer is a complete treat for viewers of Hollywood movies with a full package of movie masala which have raised all the affairs of the society. In this season, viewers will be having a great time with all good stuff of movies. Earlier, people used to watch only the Bollywood movies but now their interest has shifted towards the Hollywood world. The love and respect for the Hollywood New Releases among them is rising day by day.People like to watch Hollywood …
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Jul 10, 2009
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Nov 16, 2010
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Women’s Healthl
Nov 16, 2010
Personalized Gifts – There Is one for Every Occasion
Through the years, you have mastered the art of gift giving. Your gifts are highly regarded by the recipients and deemed appropriate for the milestone they’re celebrating, for example a wedding. Thus leaving you flattered with the mere gesture of appreciation
Chad Wilsonl
Personalized Gifts against Traditional Gifts – Which is Better?
You have practiced the art of gift-giving for many years now, coming up with adorable presents for every occasion being celebrated. However, did it ever cross your mind that there are two kinds of gift? These are different from monetary or material gifts, okay?
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Christmas is the most wonderful day of the year and is just around the corner. It is the perfect time to show your appreciation to your family, friends and colleagues through gifts. You can easily choose from the wide array of gift items at bazaars and malls that now hold mall-wide sales
Chad Wilsonl
Personal Gift Ideas – Adding a Little Flair in Every Gift
Have you ever wondered what make personal gifts stand out from the traditional kind of gifts? It has personal touch that sets it apart from the rest.
Chad Wilsonl
It’s that time of year again when we must write out lists and decide on that perfect gift for the special people in our lives. Today it is possible to make gift giving much simpler and more personal. That doesn’t mean you will need to make the gift, rather give it a special personal touch
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1. nabeel 08/07/2010
This article provides great information about gifts. Gifts Provide you the best way to
express your feelings to someone.
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Are You Into Twilight Or Twilight Zone
December 28, 2010 by TwilightMoviesUS
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Home Page > Arts & Entertainment > Are You Into Twilight Or Twilight Zone
Are You Into Twilight Or Twilight Zone
Posted: Apr 28, 2008 |Comments: 0
Stephenie Meyer is a writer who has been picking up a lot of steam in the past few years. Her books are most often aimed at the teenage to young adult audience and are noted for using themes that people in that age group would identify with in the form of supernatural flights of fancy.
Her most popular books are in the Twilight Trilogy which revolves around the world of vampires who live side by side with normal people, albeit secretly. The novel, along with its sequels New Moon, and Eclipse, is very popular among the teenage audience. The books popularity has led to the decision to make a feature film based on the first novel.
The film version of Twilight is being produced by Summit Films. Casting is already well underway. On November 16, 2007 it was announced that Kristen Stewart would portray main character Isabella Swan in the big screen adaptation.
The film co-stars Robert Pattinson as the vampire Edward Cullen, Anna Kendrick as Jessica Stanley, Justin Chon as Eric Yorkie, Michael Welch as Mike Newton, with Cam Gigandet as James, the main villain of the story. An extensive casting search is currently underway to find a Native American boy between the ages of 16 years and 18 years to portray the much sought after role of Jacob Black.
The film is being directed by Catherine Hardwicke, perhaps best known for directing the films Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown, and the Biblically themed The Nativity Story.
The story follows Isabella Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) as she falls in love with Edward Cullen (Robert Patterson) who reveals himself to be a vampire. In this tale, vampires live in clans, and Edward reveals his clan does not hunt humans, only animals.
The primary conflict in the story comes from Bella’s mission to keep Edward’s true identity a secret from her family, friends, and class mates. Things get even more dangerous when another clan infiltrates the Cullen clan and set their sights on Bella. Their star crossed love affair becomes a race for survival as tensions mount and danger builds.
At present, no date has been set for the film’s release, and it is still considered as only In Production. Many fans have been uneasy with the notion of the film’s production and several of the casting decisions, but other fans have remained enthusiastic due to author Stephenie Meyer’s enthusiasm about the project.
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A Twilight Reverie: Creatures of the Night and Edward Cullen
December 27, 2010 by TwilightMoviesUS
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A Twilight Reverie: Creatures of the Night and Edward Cullen
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Home Page > Arts & Entertainment > Literature > A Twilight Reverie: Creatures of the Night and Edward Cullen
A Twilight Reverie: Creatures of the Night and Edward Cullen
Posted: Oct 27, 2008 |Comments: 0
| Views: 171 |
Twilight is what you get when you put a drop-dead gorgeous blood-sucking vampire and other creatures of the night into the mixture of teenage drama. With fans swooning and everyone raving about Edward Cullen and Bella Swan, the novel has been at par with the massive sales that the Harry Potter series is getting. If Stephanie Meyer is luckier, she might even surpass J.K. Rowling with more sales and movie profits from her vampire series…Or maybe not.
Dominating the Young Adult Genre
Twilight, a hit teen vampire series has been regarded as one of the best-selling novels by the New York Times. With 17 million books in print, the vampire flick has everyone talking. Above anything else, the novel owes its popularity on its metaphorical take on teenage dilemmas and greatly developed characters that almost stay true to the turf of possibility. Like all other vampire stints seen on movies, Twilight capitalizes on people’s unwavering fascination about vampires and their immortal existence. But what really separates Twilight among so many vampire films and novels produced in the last century?
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s Love Affair
Twilight has a different take on the usual vampire-entangled love story that we are often bombarded with. It centers on the intriguing interaction between a normal teenager, Bella Swan, and a gorgeous vampire, Edward Cullen. Creatures of the night such as Edward are damned entities that are dangerous for any human to be acquainted with.
Love Collides with Playful Fate
Bella loves Edward and Edwards feels the same way about her. But the very nature of Edward as a vampire makes it difficult to suppress his blood lust over her. To make matters worse for both of them, Bella accepts the danger but not the thought of losing him. The danger of losing her by his own hands is more than he could bear, but as the old bards said, love becomes stronger in the face of danger.
Vampires in the World of Twilight
Vampires from Twilight have deviated a lot from characteristics that other literary vampires have. They are not harmed in any way by garlic, crucifix, water or sunlight. Vampires in the Twilight world don’t sleep in coffins (in fact, they don’t need to sleep at all), don’t die through wooden stakes and even show up in pictures and have reflections.
Instead of stereotyping these creatures of the night, Stephanie Meyer gave them distinct characteristics that include physical appearance, hunting styles and legends that truly set these creatures of the night one step ahead of all other fictional vampires we come to know.
Cullen and the rest of the creatures of the night from the novel are described to be extremely handsome and have angelic features despite being godforsaken souls. Their eyes, a noteworthy addition to their features, change colors according to how blood thirsty they are. When full, their eyes are golden and as bright as topaz but turn coal black when deprived of blood. Likewise, you can tell whether a vampire feeds on human blood or not through the eye color. Those who feast on human blood have a sinister red or burgundy color to their orbs.
Given that they have superhuman abilities which include superhuman talents, vampires from Twilight appear to be much more appealing and enticing to mortals like Bella Swan. Without the need to sleep nor breathe, these creatures of the night don’t age at all even with the constant flow of time around them.
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A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.
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A Computer Engineering student and loves to travel. Reading current news in the internet is one of his past times. Taking pictures of the things around him fully satisfies him. He loves to play badminton and his favorite pets are cats.
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